If you are using a wood-burning appliance as part of your home heating system it might be time for an upgrade. This upgrade may also come with a rebate of up to $750 as rural Ottawa residents are encouraged to improve their ambient and indoor air quality as well as heating their homes more efficiently and safely.
Smoke from inefficient word-burning stoves and fireplaces can affect the health of those living inside the home as well as neighbouring homes and the environment. Research shows that pollution from wood smoke is worse in areas with a high concentration of homes with inefficient word-burning appliances.
Replacing old, uncertified wood stoves and fireplaces with cleaner burning EPA or CSA-certified models is encouraged through this rebate program and Hubert’s at 703-1290 Old Innes Road is a participating retailer who can work with you to find a much cleaner and more efficient appliance to heat your home. For more information visit http://hpbacanada.org/initiatives/ottawachangeoutprogram-2/ottawachangeoutprogram/