Capital Lovin’Published on July 5, 2018

  • Stacie and Jahfer
    Photo by: Katie Hession

  • Emily and Andrew
    Photo by: Katie Hession

  • Hayley and Danial
    Photo by: Katie Hession

Paris may be known as the city of love, but Ottawa has a solid reputation for being a great city to foster love, lay down your roots and start a family. We met up with three engaged couples who are ready to tie the knot and asked them to share how Ottawa plays a role in their love story.

WHO: Stacie Ha, Web Specialist at The Royal Canadian Mint and Jahfer Husain, Software Developer at Shopify
WHERE THEY MET: Carleton University
CHOSEN WEDDING VENUE: Le Belvédère in Wakefield QC
“We would be lying to you if we said Ottawa played zero part in our love story. Without Ottawa, we would never have crossed paths at Carleton University all those years ago. We actually met while in the same small program, but for some reason we never spoke until our second year, but we now thank our lucky stars that we did!
Ottawa will always be the place where we went on our first date, the place we shared our first kiss, and the place we built our first home together. We both may not have grown up here, and even if we ever leave this beautiful city one day for new adventures, there is one thing for certain, Ottawa will forever hold a special place in our hearts because it’s where our love story began.”

WHO: Andrew Campbell, Engineer and Emily Hayward, Digital Marketing Specialist
WHERE THEY MET: Carleton University
CHOSEN WEDDING VENUE: Muskoka Bay Club in Gravenhurst ON
“We met at Carleton University in the fall of 2008 when we moved onto the same floor in residence so Ottawa is the foundation of our love story. Carleton was the start of it all, while our favourite neighbourhoods and restaurants are our go-to for a date night, and Westboro Beach was where we got engaged.
While we’ve fallen in love with each other over the last nine-and-a-half years, we’ve also had the chance to fall in love with Ottawa and all it has to offer. Although we’re not getting married in Ottawa, we are pulling in elements of the city into our celebration and incorporating details that highlight our love for this beautiful city.”

WHO: Hayley Magermans, Media Relations and Danial Taggart, Finance 
CHOSEN WEDDING VENUE: Evermore Weddings and Events
“For the first two years of our relationship, we travelled between London and Toronto to be together. When the timing was right, we both moved our lives to Ottawa. Dan had grown up in Ottawa, but it wasn’t long before we both considered the city to be home.
We’ve been able to find new spots that we consider to be ‘ours’ while honoring many traditions that Dan had grown up with. It’s been fun to fuse the ‘old’ with the ‘new,’ and looking forward we’re excited to put down our own roots in the same neighborhood Dan grew up in.”

Katie Hession

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