Fashion’s love affair with floral is always at its peak in the spring. It’s also a very exciting time of year for florists as it marks the return of some of their favourite flowers to play with like muscari, ranunculus, daffodils and of course, Ottawa’s beloved tulips. These local florists not only help to bring life in to our homes, but also show us how to add a little fresh floral to your outfit.
“Growing up it was always instilled in me the value of keeping fresh flowers strewn about the home - flora never fail to breathe life into an otherwise stagnant environment & are ever reminiscent of the wild outdoors.
WHO: Leah Gibson, owner of Bunches & Bunches
“Having my dining room table and my car filled with flowers at all times is the best part about running my floral business from home. Flowers always make me smile, and when I’m getting someone’s order ready I think to myself ‘this arrangement will make someone else smile too!’ and that is a wonderful feeling!”
WHO: Carla Carbajal, owner of Capital Florist
“There’s something about flowers that just make me happy. My tradition is to have fresh flowers at home all the time – on my coffee table, my bedside table or anywhere in the house. It doesn’t have to be a big bouquet, just a little something to put a smile on your face.”
WHO: Kat Kosk, owner of Blumenstudio
FAVOURITE FLOWER: Icelandic poppy
“Flowers can enrich our lives in many ways. They gently remind us of the beautiful impermanence of life, teaching us with their unique energy to stay present. It’s a magical thing to bring nature into your home to observe and enjoy for just a short moment in time. We can really learn a lot from flowers.”
WHO: Vanessa Madely, florist at Bloomfields
“Floral can change the whole look and feel of a room. It can be a focal piece or something that accents the décor. A single bloom is so beautiful, but when put together with purpose something special happens. Each arrangement is unique and ever-changing with time and for me, there is no better feeling than seeing a little slice of nature indoors.”
WHO: Katherine McCloskey, owner of Pollen Nation