Nursery DIYPublished on May 2, 2016

  • Angie and Nash
    Photo by: Mark Holleron

  • Angie found and collected frames
    Photo by: Mark Holleron

  • Furniture to grow into
    Photo by: Mark Holleron

  • Sign made by Angie
    Photo by: Mark Holleron

 Angie Poirier, the popular, vivacious radio and TV host with Majic 100 & CTV, affirms that there will be no more babies arriving in the future at the home she shares with husband Adam Côté and her two daughters Ava (12) and Mila (9). So, she approached the nursery décor for her newborn son Nash with an element of frugality and loads of personal touches. 

Rather than go for a traditional baby-themed nursery, a masculine approach was taken for the décor of the little guy’s room. Adam had recently created a space for himself in the basement and they decided to adopt the same style for Nash’s room.

“We opted out of doing a baby theme and went for sort of a mini-man cave feel,” says Angie. “My husband just spent the last year building his man cave while renovating our basement and we ended up adopting the same feel and colour scheme as daddy’s man cave into baby’s room.”

Adam’s favourite basketball team, the Syracuse Orange, inspired the colour scheme. Grey, navy and white are injected with pops of orange to pull the theme together. A workshop-inspired pegboard hangs over the dresser to keep baby tools organized. This was a clever DIY project for Angie who collected frames, toys and tools to decorate it with. They also opted out of the classic rocking chair to go with a more masculine leather bucket chair and orange footrest. Everyone is thrilled with the look of the room, which came together as they moved towards being a family of five.

“The nursery concept was fun for Adam and I to run with. The girls love how it turned out so much, they often just go hang out in there to read and play on their electronics,” reveals Angie.

Urban Barn décor graces the walls along with another man-cave influence from close friend, renowned sports artist Tony Harris who is the husband of CTV Morning Live host Lianne Laing. He gave Angie and Adam a Martin Brodeur print, which shares the nursery with a chevron-papered wall and trellis-patterned drapes to create a soft and chic feeling to the space.

The entire family is pitching in with baby duty. Mila has chosen to be the official diaper changer, while Ava is in charge of which outfit her brother will wear throughout the day. Angie will return to her Majic 100 morning show co-host chair in August, when Adam stays at home on paternity leave.

Angie is thrilled for Adam to have the opportunity to take over while she heads back to work and says, “I took a year’s maternity leave with each of my girls, so I was more than happy to divide this time with him. Luckily my hours allow me to get back home to them by lunch anyway.”

Her return to work may be bittersweet as Angie does not know yet when her co-host Stuntman Stu will be sitting next to her. Stu Schwartz was diagnosed with Leukemia in February and Angie has been heartbroken and in shock ever since. Her sorrow is tempered with pride at his resilience. “Seeing him as the inspiring and determined cancer warrior that he is has become is nothing short of incredible. I have no doubt that we will be back together doing what we both love very soon.”

Mary Taggart

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